If you are reading this article, you may be a real estate agent or at least have an interest in becoming one. There are a few things you should know when entering the world of real estate sales. It is hard!
The highs are high, and the lows can be very low. You may feel on top of the world one day and like you want to quit and go work at Starbucks the next. I’ve been there!
So what is grit and why is it an essential personality trait to having long-term success and fulfillment in real estate?
I define grit as showcasing passion and perseverance over a long period to accomplish your goals. It’s the unwillingness to quit and the enthusiasm and passion to push through, even on the toughest of days.
Grit is waking up every day with a fresh outlook and a hunger to grow, learn, and fail forward. It’s an attribute that many do not have, but everyone strives for.
Grit is built through trials and tribulations and the willingness to get up, brush yourself off, and try again the next day. Giving in and giving up is not an option for those who possess this unique quality. Gritty people don’t quit until they achieve what they set out to do.
Attributes that embody the term grit include perseverance, tenacity, and determination, and I would argue that you cannot have one without the other. Successful real estate agents possess these qualities.
Talent alone will only take us so far. You can have all the talent in the world, but you will never achieve your goals without effort, a positive attitude, and follow through.
Mindset is closely linked to one’s level of “grittiness”. A new study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology found a link between cynicism and personal finances. Researchers evaluated data from around the world and discovered that high levels of cynicism are associated with lower income. Findings showed that after nine years, cynical participants earned $300 per month less than their more positive counterparts.
Everyone can cultivate grit. Angela Duckworth, a Social Psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, concluded that in order to build grit:
- Develop your passion and interests
- Cultivate a deliberate practice
- Develop a sense that what you do is meaningful
What this all boils down to is finding the passion in what you are doing and stick with it. Do not get discouraged or distracted by things that do not not benefit you or your business and commit to playing the long-game.
You cannot fail if you do not quit. We can develop grit if we look at “failures” as setbacks and opportunities to learn and grow.